Highlights from events and engagements on business and digital transformation.
Events are language tagged with EN (English) or NO (Norwegian).
(2023-06-14) Sandefjord Business Forum / Næringsforening: Deloitte Tech Trends 2023 presentation in norwegian: "AI og tillit, opplevelser og skykaos: teknologitrender som vil prege oss framover" (NO)
(2023-03-27) (closed client event): Tech Target Operating Model scenarios for vertical Biz+ Dev teams. (EN)
(2023-01-19) Article on on Immersive internet & AR/VR: "Gjennom skjermen: En dypere internett-opplevelse for virksomheten" (NO)
(2022-10-01) Panelist on Deloitte event and webstream: Future of Work, see the tech trends driving future workforce changes (NO)
(2021-09-30) Panelist on Deloitte event and webstream: Human Capital Trends 2021 presentation and panel discussion "Radikal endring i relasjonen mellom arbeidstaker og arbeidsgiver" (NO)
(2020-10-24) NetHope Global Summit (Berlin/online) speaker: Lessons in engaging private sector designing Digital ID for hum cash assistance (EN)
(2020-08-26) Conference speaker, Atlas-alliansen (konferanse-innleder): Digital Transformasjon i NGOer i pandemi-tider (NO)
(2020-08-19) Blog on HIP DIGID site: Innovative Solution Design And Innovative Procurement (EN) (EN)
(2020-07-09) (Co-Ed author) Kronikk i Bistandsaktuelt: Bistanden er i ferd med å bli digital (først publisert som blogg på (NO)
(2020-06-30) NCA Podcast interview: "Innovativ bistand" - jeg er intervjuet i KNs #podcast om #innovasjon og #digital #transformasjon (NO)
(2020-06-17) Innovation Norway webinar speaker: Intellectual Property in Humanitarian Innovation Program projects (not online. IN) (NO)
(2020-03-17) NetHope webinar speaker/panelist: Digital ID: Closing the Identity Gap w/ UNHCR, ID2020, SIMPrints, Mercy Corps, CRS (EN)
(2020-02-27) NetHope Euro Chapter meeting (London), speaker: Digital Identity in the humanitarian sector - DIGID project mission (EN)
(2019-12-05) NetHope webinar speaker/panelist: Achieving ‘Good’ Digital ID at Scale with Technical Requirements (tweet) (EN)
(2019-10-25) SANDS/BasicInternetFoundation speaker & Panelist: Digitalisering på utviklingsagendaen: Hvordan sikrer vi tilgang til digitale offentlige goder for alle? (photo tweet) (NO)
(2019-10-24) NetHope Global Summit 2019 - speaker: Our NCA Digital Strategy Journey in 222 days (EN)
(2019-10-24) NetHope Global Summit 2019 - planner/facilitator: Digital Identity Workshop (EN)
(2020-09-27) Oslo Innovation Week - Humanitarian Innovation Day, Oslo - speaker: #digitalidentity is about putting #value, #control and #agency in the hand of the user, the owner of their data (NO)
(2019-05-28) Nethope webinar speaker: Our NCA Digital Strategy Journey in 222 days (EN)
(2020-03-18) NYU School of Law / ID2020 workshop speaker: Digital Identity - DIGID market dialog and workshop (fb event) (EN)
(2018-06-15) NCA Global Leadership Summit (WoM) speaker: Digitalization for NGOs - The Next Wave of Transformation (tweet) (EN)
(2018-06-30) HIP NGO to government advocacy, co-writer: "Input To Norwegian MFA's 2018 Digitalization Strategy" (HIP blog and pdf) (NO)
(2018-06-04) HIP Kronikk (co-ed) i Dagsavisen, (ghost-)writer: "Digital Innovasjon Redder Liv" (HIP blog and dagsavisen link) (NO)